
Our range of advice, guidance, tools and templates will empower you to use communications and engagement approaches to elevate your improvement activity, putting you on the path towards success.

Spreading improvement

This toolkit will help you use communications techniques that can help you raise awareness of your improvement work and influence colleagues in your hospital, health board or the wider world to adopt and adapt it for the benefit of patients and staff far and wide.

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Engaging people in improvement

It can be challenging to encourage people to support your improvement activity but that's often integral to success. This toolkit will give you the knowhow for capturing your key stakeholders' interest and compelling them to get involved.

Coming Soon!

Influencing Leaders

You may not always need them to take an active role in your improvement activity, but their influence and ability to remove hurdles from your path makes leaders invaluable. This toolkit will help you make sure they're on your side.

Coming Soon!

Join the community

Qi Engage is yours. With exciting developments planned including new toolkits, templates, training and networking, join the community and shape what’s on offer so that it works for you.

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